add extend function to all arrays that allows any array to be the start of a pipe chain.
Add release function to all arrays. This will remove the given number of elements from the front of the array
add window property to all arrays that allows any array to be the start of a pipe.
Boilerplate for implementing a valve. If you don't define a custom valve, you should always mixin this template in all your iopipe templates.
Determine the type of the window of the given pipe type. This works when the window is a method or a field.
Evaluates to true if the given io pipe has a valve
evaluates to true if the given type is a valid ioPipe
Determine the number of valves in the given pipeline
Boost License 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
Copyright Steven Schveighoffer 2011-.
Base mechanisms used to determine information about iopipes.